Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Rainy Day

Today I woke up at 5:30am to pouring rain in the jungle. I couldn't go back to sleep, my mind was racing about something that I cannot pinpoint at the moment. Meg and I had our morning breakfast ritual of pulling a card from the Osho Tarot deck and the Well Being Deck, it's a wonderful way to start the day. I pulled Integration a Major Arcana ... for those of you who know about Tarot. I found it helpful in reminding me that I'm integrating the clearing and expanding that the psychic/energy healer did with me yesterday.

Bananas that Mike the landlord gave us...

Last night Elfriede called me and we made a plan to meet down at K Bay and we'd go to Koohana to look for my fin. She was there with a new friend Mikah who just arrived to the land where Elfriede is staying. As we stood near the bay's edge talking we were all soaked by a big was pretty funny. Soon after Elfriede and I left for the other beaches. We tried to get Mikah to come with us but she was seduced by the dolphins swimming in the bay... Elfi and I didn't get to Koohena because it started pouring on the way down there so we just turned around and decided to do some collaging, Horray!!

We did a mini-facilitated collaging experience. That was fun for all of us. I led a meditation then we created. We worked for about 3 to 4 was really awesome. Here is what we made...

This is Meg's, it's all about being a world traveller and living in luxury...I'm following her around.

This is Elfriede's, this is about what she really wanted to get from her trip to Hawaii.

This is mine, from my experience with the psychic yesterday.
Clicking on any of the pictures will make them bigger...this one doesn't show the detail very well.

I'm clean! I just took a shower which feels really good after about 3 days. I was really beginning to look like a local there. I loved it, all tan with wild sea water hair, dried stringy. I love that look of wild abandon, it's so beautiful in such a raw way. It feels good to be clean and pristine again too.

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