Thursday, February 1, 2007

TrancenDance Part II

I went to Hookena Beach to look for my fin and watch the sunset. No fin, I meditated on the lava rock watching the clouds change color, a big release with tears. It felt good, it felt like gratitude and saddness at the same time.

Dancing tonight at TrancenDance again. There were a lot of people, we arrived in time for the opening circle. My intention was integration. It felt good to move and sweat and play with others. At the final closing circle a beautiful man rested his head on my knee and we held hands during the closing. I was lucky to get the final words in the closing ceremony inspired by a wise woman, "When we create this peace, love and warmth, we not only create it for us, we create it for all." Afterward I introduced myself to the young, tall, dark skinned, muscular Hawaiian man. We hugged for a long time and just held each other sinking in deeper, feeling the energy, then looking into each others eyes, deeply seeing into the other. It was nice to be held by him after the events of the day. Sometimes when he spoke he was wiser than his age, and other times it was clear how young he really was. We gave him a ride part of the way home and then he walked off down the highway into the night "to contemplate the events of the night".

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