Sunday, January 21, 2007

Kona Snow

This morning I woke up early, 6am and got the tea started so we could get down to the bay earlier than we have. Meg wanted to meet up with Shannon, a man she'd met on her last trip. I pulled the card "aloneness" yet again today. I had pulled it in the afternoon yesterday. It's funny because I am really wanting connection and the card is reminding me that when I am solid in myself is when I will be truly connected.

Right now I'm watching the Kona snow flurries drifting about the jungle. Our first day Kenny told us the coffee plants had just bloomed and that is what they call Kona snow. In a week or two the beans will be developing. Today is the first time I've seen the white pedals of the flowers drifting around and I can now see why they call it Kona snow. It is so easy here to appreciate the magic of the ordinary, since every moment is so extraordinary.

Meg and I took a lava walk at the Place of Refuge. I felt the power of the place as I sat near the water's edge. This is a place where, if a law breaker could get here he/she would be forgiven, but they would have to swim rough waters and navigate over the lava to get there. Every time I come here I forgive more and more and I am released from the confines of regret, remorse, blame, and shame. This place is still a Place of Refuge. Others joined me on the waters edge to meditate and forgive.

Tonight we had dinner with Trish and Doug, they have created dolphin and whale retreats here and in Tonga. They were nice and interesting people.

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