Thursday, January 25, 2007


This morning I woke up to see a mouse scamper across the floor. Meg and and tried to get it but to no avai so we headed down to K Bay. No dolphins again...walked to Malini Beach with new friend Elfriede from Holland...Meg and I drove to The Painted Church...there was a small black kitty playing among the pews and at the altar...He reminded me of Squishy.

Meg sang ancient Catholic chants to the sea.

For most of the day we were home relaxing and discussing how content we are. I received word that someone else is interested in renting my cottage for a month...and possibly taking it over when I'm ready to move out. I love how things are just working out for me. We picked up Elfriede to go to the dance...the space was a nice little dance studio...we recognized many of our friends from around town. We made lots of new friends including Matisha who will be taking us on a dolphin and whale tour on Sunday where we will definitely be having a one-on-one dolphin encounter. Unfortunately, Meg is going to Texas tomorrow night to buy a peice of property and won't be back until Monday. Don't worry Meg, we'll get you some dolphins very soon.

I'll try to fill this in more it's time for bed.

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