Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Sleeping is good

Yesterday I finished a wonderful book called "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell...it's about the power of thinking without thinking. Toward the end he summed up his finding beautifully by saying that he has found that when we need to make a minor decision about something not very important, the most information is best. When we need to make a major decision like a mate or business deal our first impression is one of the best indicators of the outcome. Too much information and we get bogged down. He has some really compelling stories and research findings in this book. I read this book in a week and I love when I get engrossed in a book like that. I got so excited about "Blink" that I bought his other book "The Tipping Point" about how an idea takes off.

I had some trouble sleeping last night because we have a little kitty visitor here trying to adopt us. Much like Squishy she's very persistent and a super cuddle bug when she wants some food. Though I'd love to have her here, I'm not sure what my landlord would feel about that and a cat is a bit of a responsibility that I'm not willing to take on at this point here. Needless to say I napped all afternoon.

I'm very grateful for my new computer, my new waterproof watch, the upcoming trip to LA to go to Manifesting a Rich Wife...I mean Life convention. I am trading with Bob for helping him create his website and marketing materials to go to this conference. I'm most excited to see Lynne Twist, the woman who wrote "The Soul of Money", however there are many good speakers lined up for this conference.

Tomorrow I want to play with my sewing machine...I need thread. I also want to do some yoga.

Inspirational cards for today:

Abraham-Hicks says: I will reach of the best feeling thought I have access to.
It is not my responsibility to convince anyone of anything.

Osho Deck: I pulled the Past Lives card...it's a major arcana XVIII, "This is a wake-up call; the events in your life are trying to show you a pattern as ancient as the journey of your own soul.

The Hawaiian Oracle: Chicken! Drawing the bird of rainbow feathers means you are transforming into your pure self...I like that.

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