Monday, October 8, 2007


I just made this!

I'm very happy with my first creation. So cute. I bought a book on t-shirt alternations and it made it much easier. This one is made out of two shirts. The side panel says "Do I make you corny baby?" Iowa. Totally silly.

I can't wait to make a whole bunch for people and myself.

Today was my first day of training at school. I did some tours last week. Last night I went and saw The 11th Hour, the movie by Leonardo DiCaprio about global warming. It was very inspiring. I definitely recommend everyone see's even better than An Inconvenient Truth. We had a meeting about it at GreenSource afterward and came up with some great ideas for how we can make some changes ourselves. Like, I'm recycling old t-shirts into new clothes. I really like the idea of voting with your dollar and choosing to buy products made organically. There were some staggering statistics, especially about the amount of waste we produce. I really feel called to create awareness around waste. First, I have to get my own waste under control. One thing about Hawaii, you have to take your garbage to the you actually see where your waste goes and you can see how much waste you're creating. I think I do pretty well but I hope to do better and recycle more. They also talked about creating products that are "cradle to cradle" instead of "cradle to grave". Very interesting idea.

Another idea I had was compact, portable plate and utensils which could include a "to go" container inside the idea. They could be super cute and then when you go to a cafeteria or take out place you could use your own instead of using disposable plates and utensils.

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