Sunday, December 16, 2007

first astrology reading

Yesterday I had my first professional astrology reading. I've been getting more interested in it since Thanksgiving when my friend asked me what my sun (Pisces)/rising (Cancer) /and moon (Aquarius) signs were and they were astonished to find out they were all air and water since I seem so grounded and meticulous. He said I must have a strong earthy mars sign and looking into it further I do...mars is in Capricorn. So this little inquiry got me thinking that there may be something more to this astrology stuff.

It just so happens that I have "Starman" Joseph Mina in my neighborhood. So I thought I'd get a reading from him. It was an interesting session full of insights and confirmation about the direction I've been heading. One of the most interesting things he said is that as a Pisces I am very sensitive and it is my greatest skill and one that I need to find again and reestablish as my main way of making decisions. Instead of logically with the head I need to pay attention to my feeling and go with that sense.

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