Sunday, December 9, 2007

Coming Home

Aloha all my wonderful friends and family,

For me, this year has been a wild one. I started it in Hawaii on a cruise with my family, then went back to Hawaii soon after with my friend Meg. We had a wonderful, magical one month wonderful that we both decided to return by April to live here. Right before I moved I celebrated my birthday with a ritual dedicating my life to being in my joy. I let go of almost everything and came to the Big Island to swim in the ocean everyday. The Big Island has been full of transformation and clarity about how I want to live my life, who I want to be near, how to live in integrity, and standards I will set for myself and my environment. It has also helped me to know that Santa Cruz and the Bay Area is my HOME! I will very much enjoy coming to Hawaii and bringing people here on retreats someday (soon I hope).

I return to Santa Cruz to pursue grounded higher education in counseling/facilitating people and groups. I am planning on applying to the JFK counseling program for somatic and transpersonal psychology. There, I hope to have the opportunity to study vibration and energy, ritual and celebration, transformational counseling, spiritual awakening, clear communication, transformational creativity and art. Their program sounds amazing, and I still need to go there and find out more information. I will also rejoin my community at Inner Light, Non Violent Communication, and Adyashanti.

I will be returning on December 21st and hope to find a beautiful apartment in the beginning of the year with my friend Shannon. I will even be getting my favorite kitty in the whole world back...Squishy! I have been applying for work in the Santa Cruz area so if anyone knows of a wonderful opportunity (administrative assistant, project coordinator, facilitator/teacher) in a progressive education program, arts, environmental, organic, or sustainable living program, or anything else that sounds like I might be interested, please let me know.

A hui hou,
(Until we meet again),

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