Thursday, November 15, 2007

Finding my inner deva...or getting comfy

Okay, so a few things have happened since mid-October.

I've continued to work with Bob on Awakening Adventures and went to LA last week to go to the Manifesting a Rich Life conference. It was poorly attended though Sunday the last day of the conference I got to see Lynn Twist speak about the Soul of Money and her experiences as a leader in the World Hunger Project. She was very inspiring and I got to go to Agape Sunday morning. All on November 11. It was a powerful day. I also got to know Bob a bit more over the week. From this new knowledge I may start heading in a different direction than being a business partner with him.

Just prior to that trip to LA, my mom and Jon came for a visit. That too was a time of great transformation and communication. It was not the light visit I had expected.

I am also moving by December 1st. Where to? I have no idea. Things are very up in the air. Though I have increasingly become aware that this apartment is totally inappropriate for me. I can hardly wait to get out.

However, all of these events have opened my eyes to a greater awareness in me...I am in need of a greater comfort standard. I have realized I have a high discomfort level, which is great in some respects and in others is completely unnecessary. I will be exploring my inner deva or my comfort level in all realms as I progress in my journey.

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