Thursday, May 3, 2007


So I'm a bit out of touch lately, and hoping to get back in touch soon.

I have times of feeling inspired to write beautifully worded blogs describing my new house, the beautiful irridescent termite wings, the dolphins spinning in the bay right outside my house, but once I'm here in front of the computer I am too tired and less inspired to write.

Unfortunately, I don't have internet access at my home, much less cell phone access. Let's see, lately I've been going to the Burning Man party in Pahoa...paled in comparison to the real thing. Swimming in the Champaign Ponds, trying to get my life in Hawaii settled, seeing Jason off to Mass, getting a job at Kona Boys kayak, surf, and dive shop. I'll be going on a kayak tour tomorrow for my first day. My adventure career has started. Horray.

That's it for now...sorry.

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