Friday, February 9, 2007


Today we woke up early and went down to K Bay. The dolphins were out but the waves were intense against the lava rocks so Meg, Maaike, Marriette, and I went to Hookena. Some kids had made a huge sand castle and we marvelled at their creation as they explained who had made what. Apparently dad had helped with the mote. Maaike and I jumped in the water and played for a bit. Then we decided to swim across the bay to the other side. As we were swimming out the fears of sharks came up in me, along with the excitment of the possiblity of seeing a whale all of a sudden appear next to us. There were big waves coming in and I was concerned about going too far near that side. So we turned around and realized the current was taking us out. We would put our heads down and swim toward the beach then look up and we'd be pointing out into the ocean. We had to kick very hard to get back, but it was fine and we got a good work out. But it didn't feel like we were making a lot of way going back. Once out I felt like we really accomplished something and although there wasn't much to see along the way it was a wonderful metiphore for trusting all would be okay.

Meg had set up a nice little spot for herself and was continuing to practice putting her feet up.

I picked some mint for everyone from the hillside and passed it out. The dad of the children asked if I could take a picture of the family. They were really cute.

Later we saw the dolphins again and Maaike and I went out again. We never saw them and they were a bit farther out than we wanted to go. We decided to trust they would come, but we weren't willing to wait too long or go too far out again.

Then we were getting hungry and Meg suggested the Coffee Shack! Horray for the Coffee Shack. We had lunch for the first time and it was really good.

Then I took a nap and while sleeping Jason called. I went down to Kona to meet up with him and bum around a bit. He was asking me something at one point and then said...was there some point in your life when trust was a big issue. Well yah! I'm aware of it, thanks... It was a nice visit and then we went back to my place to pick up Meg for food related stuff. She had been researching real estate properties so we'll be going to look at stuff for her and me very soon.

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